Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Training on Youth Leadership for Tiger Conservation Hetauda, 19 June-21 June, The Generation Green, WWF Nepal

Nepal has had plethora of non-governmental organizations and their working has been questioned fairly & unfairly at times. WWF Nepal is one of the few organization working in Nepal with high impact & intact reputation. I had read and heard about the wonderful work The Generation Green (TGG) program of WWF Nepal had been doing, I was thrilled to have been selected to attend the training on leadership with emphasis on Tiger Conservation; Leadership, a trait many of us think we have, some of us really have and one definitely we all wish we had.
 I started my pre-training preparation with a book by John Maxwell entitled The Five Levels of leadership and few videos on YouTube. There is clearly a lot of room for quality Nepalese content in this area.
I arrived at Hetauda City at 16:00 on 19 June with couple of my friends and checked in the hotel Seema at 17:00 pm. The light rain that greeted us, the sight of e-mayuri and trees on either sides of the road felt like a warm welcome from the city, a fine background to the intense learning that was to follow.
We got notified that the program would start from 18:30 the same day and the team of We Inspire Nepal (WIN) would be giving us the training. This was an exciting news as I had been familiar with work of some of the members of WIN & heard volumes about Saunak Bhatta. I had heard instances of their radical approach in trainings, I didn’t know what to expect, yet I was delighted by the prospect of listening to young team of WIN, whose emphasis I knew would not be just conducting training for trainings sake but to make a real impact in the lives, personality of the participants. We have a bad air of cynicism in our society for youth innovations, WIN is one of the team that is proving people wrong day in day out.  Many of trainings I took in recent times had been a bit one dimensional and I was even close to death-by-slides in some. This promised to be different and it was.
The training kicked off with a brief overview about the program. Participants introduced themselves. I introduced myself and shared my excitement, I was looking forward to learning, specially, discourses on Leadership from Nepalese trainers with our own organic take and perspectives. I have to praise the organizers for assembling that unique group of participants which included students from universities and youths working for conservation actions at local level. As an activists who roams around papers more than beings, for me, the informal talks I had with field activists is one of the highlight of the training, they shared their experience, the psyche that drives local people among many more interesting anecdotes.
This was followed by a pair activity called Putali ra paat (Butterfly – Leaf). The session was wonderfully facilitated by Samikshya Neupane   , Trainer WIN, her voice couldn’t have been clearer and her energy any higher . Each one of us, in turns, guided our eye-closed-partner (putali) through the crowded room, acting as Paat.
After the activity, people were asked to share their learnings, take on the activity. I saw it as a metaphor of two activists from different origins, nature and properties exploring the unexplored territory for common good. It was exciting to hear varied interpretation of fellow participants for the same activity. People saw different metaphors in it, it felt like a window into their thought process.
This was followed by a stirring talk by Mr. Ram Prit Yadav    , he shared us the roots of wildlife conservation action in Nepal, present status, challenges overcame and the hurdles that remain. His talk was as thorough as it was motivating. He was a walking example proving that age is just a number, he looked as energetic & passionate as any of us youth present in the program.
After dinner, amidst the participants four separate families were created and first family meeting was held instantaneously. It started by sharing about oneself among the members of family. It is so amazing what people share when the mood is set right. We were practically strangers yet what people shared was not only their general story which they lay out for the whole world to see but their real personal opinions, incidents, dreams and secrets even. It was probably one of the moments when I strongly bonded with participants.
The next day began with light physical exercise at 7, on the roof of the hotel. This training was really different than any of I ever attended with respect to focus on the mental and physical dimensions of individuals. The use of dance/music, jumping, shouting were masterfully used as a tool of facilitation. Those activities really lifted the energy, involvement and flow of the program.
After tea, we had yet another session of reflection, people shared their learnings, takeaways, friends they made etc. This was followed by the discussion on the projects that could be carried out within the period of one month. The ideas were laid out on the floor, the ideas were numerous, some routine, some innovative, group members commented on the idea itself, the way the idea could be better executed, the impact maximized and sustained
This was followed by intense session by Saunak Bhatta where he shared insightful, readily executable tools, ideas and suggestion for effective communication, rapport building & public speaking. He also introduced us to the power of introduction, showed us how he does it and then made each and every one of us introduce ourselves in a new way, in a loud voice with confidence. From now on, I definitely will be introducing myself more creatively.
This was followed by the a session by Santosh Pandey where he shared how to start a campaign, he dwelled on some of his past campaigns as case studies and highlighted on the points of utmost importance like the extent to which the campaign is to be taken, the tools to be used, ethical boundaries, time factor etc.
This learning filled session was then followed by session on death hypnosis by Saunak Bhatta. I was moved earlier by a couple of hypnosis already conducted by Samikshya and Saunak himself but this death hypnosis was another level. It made me pin point my regrets and will be important for me now, in constructing my tomorrow more lucidly. It triggered different emotions in other participants, some couldn’t control their emotions and let their tears burst, I can only guess what they went through.
It was kind of poetic that this intense session was followed by painting session where we were free to add any color to any shape, in any manner, over our own canvas. It was fun even for people like me who aren’t particularly good at painting. It is at occasions like this, I come to admire abstract paintings even more.
Post dinner, cultural night was staged, we had open floor for performances. Beautiful songs were performed, Dohori sung, legs pulled, all in good humor. The timing of this cultural program couldn’t have been better.
Day 3, the final day, many strange faces had become names by now. The session began at 9 with the reflection of Day 2. This was followed by further discussion, planning & writing of the plan, which would provide concreteness to our projects to be carried out for Global Tigers Day, July 29.
Shika Gurung, Campaigns and marketing officer, TGG, WWF Nepal then shared us the actions TGG team had taken over the years, their objectives, missions and future plans. The dedication & passion of TGG, WWF Nepal team was aptly mirrored in the presentation & talk by Shika. People like her are the unsung heroes who have powered us to maintain if not improve the status of endangered species even through this decade of political transition.
The last activity of the program was a treasure hunt, as the name suggests, it is a game among the groups, to decode the clues and then perform the tasks assigned. The task were the real tests of everything we had learned, heard, discussed over the last two days. The tasks at times felt insane, irrational but all were heart pumping and I cannot stop smiling as I recall those tasks. Some of them were painting colors in faces, adding a tiger tail and walking like a tiger in the street lanes, another included going on a school bus and informing children about tiger conservation. However the pick of the task was the last one, where we were made to debate for and against tiger conservation. It was a heated debate, the reasoning was sound, all the running, chasing of the clues had lifted us to whole different level of energy, (kudos to the trainers for precise placement of the activity) and that energy flowed through our voices. It was a proof of all the things WIN Team had taught works.
I felt a different kind of high. I felt whole lot more confident. I felt transformed.
There are certain people, who perceive the wave length of people, We Inspire Nepal (WIN) is definitely one of them, and they resonated with our wavelength, then increased the energy gradually, finally fine tuning our presence, confidence and energy level. They arguably are the best team working in this domain and without a doubt a serious force to be reckoned with and given that all of them are around their mid-twenties, they can only get better.
It was departure time already and as I looked back with gratitude, I could see, the room filled with transformed Leaders like me.


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