Friday, November 20, 2015


2015 Time for Global Action for People and Planet: Youth for Humanity On the platform laid by millennium development goals, the new Sustainable development goals (SDGs) have ushered in a new era and has generated a much needed momentum that has engaged people across all continents. This task of transforming all lives, ending poverty and protecting the planet falls now on the able shoulder of us youths. Thus it is upon us to lead and act with courage. The 17 SDGs that have been identified are complementary. It has clearly this holistic approach that we need to combat the problems of the world. You simply cannot ask hungry people to save the planet. Quite often the talks of sustainable development in under-developed country like ours feels quite rich to many which it is not, in fact our societies are sustainable but poor so we need to achieve progress and be a developed-sustainable nation, the notion of Victorian industrialization/development that many harbor has to go. We need to learn from the mistake the countries like US and UK made. Poverty, Hunger and Unhealthy practices can be fought if jobs are created for those underprivileged group. Jobs will not only empower them to afford good food, water and basic health services but also will prevent them from plunging into illegal activities. A very good example of this is in Nepal, we achieved a Zero poaching year in 2014, and this was possible only because the jobs created by conservation sites were given to the marginalized local communities. Youths in this regard can advocate and can be a connecting link between government and the targeted community. Then again it is easy to say give jobs to poor but in reality what happens is they hardly have any skills. You cannot ask a man in his late 30s to start and finish school and support his family. Clearly we need a dual approach, firstly short term skill-centric trainings followed by jobs for older population and education for children’s and young adults. This in turn will contribute to our global fight against child labor. Children’s especially are always looking for role models, I consider myself and all those who are reading this privileged, so even if we could be a role model for one kid in an orphanage, one maligned kid and show him a way, plant a seed of hope. It could change his/her life. This is the kind of effort every youth can do even without resources, we talk about huge projects but sometimes all it takes is you taking little of your time and having a heart to heart conversation. Educated societies are more accepting to others opinion, rights and the differences. So education to people clearly is the long term approach against violence against women. Also what happens especially in south Asian countries is that many stories of domestic violence don’t come out. So in that regard the internet could be used to share her pain and gather support on her side. The internet access is on the rise, this has to be further amplified. This concept can be successfully utilized to tackle any form of violence anywhere. The problem these days is not that many people don’t have mobile phones and internet but they don’t know how to use it. In this regard, we youths, the torch bearers of technology and human civilization can organize sessions to teach them how to use it. We youths could facilitate such gathering and develop it as a forum for discussing their own problems and a support system for the suppressed. Renewable energy is perhaps is the buzz word of our generation. The work that has been done in harnessing solar energy is commendable and post economic crisis of 2009 it has become very much affordable to general audience. The other thing, equally important to researching new avenues of renewable energy is energy efficiency. Just by little bit of sincerity and by developing a healthy energy saving habit a huge chunk of current energy consumption can be reduced. Our one small effort of energy conservation may allow some kid in remote part of world to have light during night, which will empower him to do homework at night. This is a real change and a real story. So young scientist need to come up with economical solutions of storing solar power and at the same time we youths worldwide need to campaign for efficient energy consumption using whatever platform it takes to reach the diversified global audience. I like how SDGs have placed thirteen goals before Climate action. It is in fact only when those goals are addressed the climate action becomes more significant. The resolution that people have shown for climate action is praiseworthy and now that effects of climate change can actually be seen, the urgency is rightly felt and we all as a global citizen should continue networking, continue partnerships and we should rise one notch above than our fathers in regard to understanding each other, respecting each other’s differences, curing extremism and pledging together for climate action. Solidarity of youths worldwide is clearly going to determine the success of The Road to Dignity: 2030. I have faith in me. I have faith in you. I have faith in us

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