Tuesday, December 1, 2015

COP 21: A Young Voice from Nepal


The much awaited, talked and discussed event of the year COP21 has come and with it comes a wave of hope & fear, hope that finally all the parties will rise to the need of humanity, in light of the evidences of forthcoming catastrophes as predicted by scientists and fear that once again the disagreement of Kyoto, Copenhagen will haunt Paris and thereby jeopardizing our common goals and future. The global leaders have a duty to materialize the climate commitments, laws and policies and the onus is also upon youths like me to share our notions, beliefs and expectations. With that sense of duty I am writing this article.
The fact that we’re heading for a rise of five degrees Celsius, which clearly will cause irreversible, catastrophic global warming and still millions of people are either denying, ignoring or unknown about the climate change is scary. Despite the history of climate negotiations dating back to 1992, despite UNFCC asking countries to take action to avoid dangerous climate change, governments have pandered for far too long, wasted time pointing fingers towards each other. The stubbornness of few industrialized nation clearly didn’t help. This has to come to the end at COP 21.
The geographical and political location of Nepal has put us in the front line of the climate battle. The fact that Nepal ranks 14th most vulnerable country to climate change worldwide doesn’t come as a surprise. Our mountains are vulnerable to global warming, our glaciers are likely to outburst which will have devastating effects to our communities. These are not mere predictions but real observed facts, Tsho Rolpa has increased from 0.23sq. Km to 1.65 sq. Km; Climbers have reported less snow in Mt Everest. These are just a few examples. Not only our rich 118 ecosystem, 75 categories of vegetation, 35 types of forests are at risk but the sectors like Agriculture, Tourism, Energy, Health all are bearing brunt, are sure to get inflicted further. With such small GHGs emission and such huge impacts, this is not fair at all and I urge Nepalese leaders at COP 21 to strongly put forward this contention to ensure we get enough financial help to pursue clean technology, sustainable development and ensure proper adaptive measures.
The harsh truth is Nepal cannot escape climate change as it is located between two rapidly growing economies viz. China and India. China is expected to be the largest GHGs emitter by 2030 and GHGs emission of India has sky rocketed over the years and surely will be on the rise. I ask all the world leaders to understand the plight of Nepal and similar poor vulnerable countries and thus pass laws and plans of actions to guide developing countries to lessen their emissions and subsequently move towards greener economy. Meanwhile we Nepalese need to prioritize adaption to climate change. The National Action Plan on Adaptation (NAPA) is a  praiseworthy move and it needs to be made more comprehensive. The works of Project ICCA and many NGOs/INGOs in capacity building for better management & adaptation, local adaptation plans of actions (LAPA , Monitoring & Evaluation of climate sensors, improving resilience against diseases, pests and insects of crops is commendable. This needs to be amplified and more importantly Green Living in tandem with the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) need to be included in national development agendas.
EU agreeing to cut emissions by 46%, US agreeing to cut emission by 26% and china agreeing its emission peaks at 2030 is a positive sign. I request all global leaders to be generous on the climate funds and indeed establish a global climate fund, large and significant enough to give the much needed pull and catapult human civilization from impending doom. History of climate negotiations has shown this is the most argued part and I request all the leaders to see the picture from the eyes of their grandchildren and capitalize on this historic moment by healthy contribution. I also urge billionaires, multi-national companies, World Bank and many such organization to seize the day and rise to the occasion by sharing the responsibility.
Kyoto Protocol was a remarkable achievement in paper but it failed in implementation I believe chiefly due to its inability to sanction countries who didn’t follow protocol. So, this time agreement has to be powerful enough to sanction even the powerful, rich countries if needed.
Even with the hatred, violence, terrorism present in the world I firmly believe there is enough humanity and sensibility remained in us to save ourselves by saving mother earth. The solidarity shown by people on the aftermath of Paris attack reinstalled my belief and I am sure our leaders will make sure to load our arsenal with enough funds, ideas, vision, diversity, tolerance and solidarity in this war against climate change. 
The post COP 21 is our shared journey in the same boat with the raft still in our hands, let’s keep it that way.
Bon voyage!

Friday, November 20, 2015


2015 Time for Global Action for People and Planet: Youth for Humanity On the platform laid by millennium development goals, the new Sustainable development goals (SDGs) have ushered in a new era and has generated a much needed momentum that has engaged people across all continents. This task of transforming all lives, ending poverty and protecting the planet falls now on the able shoulder of us youths. Thus it is upon us to lead and act with courage. The 17 SDGs that have been identified are complementary. It has clearly this holistic approach that we need to combat the problems of the world. You simply cannot ask hungry people to save the planet. Quite often the talks of sustainable development in under-developed country like ours feels quite rich to many which it is not, in fact our societies are sustainable but poor so we need to achieve progress and be a developed-sustainable nation, the notion of Victorian industrialization/development that many harbor has to go. We need to learn from the mistake the countries like US and UK made. Poverty, Hunger and Unhealthy practices can be fought if jobs are created for those underprivileged group. Jobs will not only empower them to afford good food, water and basic health services but also will prevent them from plunging into illegal activities. A very good example of this is in Nepal, we achieved a Zero poaching year in 2014, and this was possible only because the jobs created by conservation sites were given to the marginalized local communities. Youths in this regard can advocate and can be a connecting link between government and the targeted community. Then again it is easy to say give jobs to poor but in reality what happens is they hardly have any skills. You cannot ask a man in his late 30s to start and finish school and support his family. Clearly we need a dual approach, firstly short term skill-centric trainings followed by jobs for older population and education for children’s and young adults. This in turn will contribute to our global fight against child labor. Children’s especially are always looking for role models, I consider myself and all those who are reading this privileged, so even if we could be a role model for one kid in an orphanage, one maligned kid and show him a way, plant a seed of hope. It could change his/her life. This is the kind of effort every youth can do even without resources, we talk about huge projects but sometimes all it takes is you taking little of your time and having a heart to heart conversation. Educated societies are more accepting to others opinion, rights and the differences. So education to people clearly is the long term approach against violence against women. Also what happens especially in south Asian countries is that many stories of domestic violence don’t come out. So in that regard the internet could be used to share her pain and gather support on her side. The internet access is on the rise, this has to be further amplified. This concept can be successfully utilized to tackle any form of violence anywhere. The problem these days is not that many people don’t have mobile phones and internet but they don’t know how to use it. In this regard, we youths, the torch bearers of technology and human civilization can organize sessions to teach them how to use it. We youths could facilitate such gathering and develop it as a forum for discussing their own problems and a support system for the suppressed. Renewable energy is perhaps is the buzz word of our generation. The work that has been done in harnessing solar energy is commendable and post economic crisis of 2009 it has become very much affordable to general audience. The other thing, equally important to researching new avenues of renewable energy is energy efficiency. Just by little bit of sincerity and by developing a healthy energy saving habit a huge chunk of current energy consumption can be reduced. Our one small effort of energy conservation may allow some kid in remote part of world to have light during night, which will empower him to do homework at night. This is a real change and a real story. So young scientist need to come up with economical solutions of storing solar power and at the same time we youths worldwide need to campaign for efficient energy consumption using whatever platform it takes to reach the diversified global audience. I like how SDGs have placed thirteen goals before Climate action. It is in fact only when those goals are addressed the climate action becomes more significant. The resolution that people have shown for climate action is praiseworthy and now that effects of climate change can actually be seen, the urgency is rightly felt and we all as a global citizen should continue networking, continue partnerships and we should rise one notch above than our fathers in regard to understanding each other, respecting each other’s differences, curing extremism and pledging together for climate action. Solidarity of youths worldwide is clearly going to determine the success of The Road to Dignity: 2030. I have faith in me. I have faith in you. I have faith in us

Saturday, November 14, 2015

My Voice against Terrorism

We, human beings as a species, pride ourselves on our intellect and our scientific achievements. The leap that we have made together is remarkable still we are haunted time and again by events of violence, terrorism, genocide etc.  This attack on common people of Paris going about their business has confirmed that there has been a fundamental error in our evolution as “humans”. With the advancement of communication one would think that people would use legitimate  avenues to voice out their concerns but No, people  have continued using bullying, fear, threat, violence and  terrorism.
I do believe the number of people indulging in such crimes is few but sadly that mass has somehow managed to destroy so many lives.  Jaggi Basudev Sadhguru said that he refuses to believe the war between countries and terrorists is a fight between right and wrong. He says it’s a war of one belief system versus another belief system and clearly they both validate their action in their own eyes and eyes of peers. 
Many experts claim that the terrorists are borne out as a consequence of dominance that powerful countries have imposed in lesser countries so as to manipulate them to their best interests. May be this neo-colonialism or micro-managing by few countries have at least some role for the discontent.  This discontent when fueled by extremist belief surely can mutate a non-violent person into a violent one.
However, no matter what, the actions of terrorism , killing innocent people isn’t justified. A person who has endured hatred, violence should never inflict another human being .
Youths like me who were eagerly waiting for COP21 as a transforming event for ensuring law, policy, and economics required for climate change, have been shell shocked for the event has shaken the soul and belief of so many souls  and replaced their vigor with melancholy. 
The fact that many powerful countries are immune to UN sanction and the thought that nuclear weapon could be in reach of  so many people, is scary not only because under such conditions  our Earth is destroyed, and humans could be wiped off of the face of the Earth.
So what could be the solution?

Honestly, I don’t know but the fact this tragic event in Paris have united so many people worldwide showing their concern, support and having dialogues, discussions about the issue in various platforms online and offline about eradicating terrorism gives me a beacon of hope that one day(hopefully in near future) we, all human beings  will understand each other better , respect and accept each other’s differences all the while gradually pruning inhumane practices and ultimately curing extremism through non-violent means.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

ICT: A Game Changer in Nepalese Agriculture
The rate of commercialization in Agriculture in Nepal hasn’t propelled. I think the problem lies not in our ideas but our techniques, not in lack of market but lack of market information. Both of these problem that has been atrophying the growth of Agribusiness in Nepal as a glamorous enterprise, can be head on tackled by the use of ICT.
First of all the correct assessment of a farm business plan is a must. Far too often we see youths plunging into actions without realistic goals, appropriate scale and definite set of action plan. The use of ICT at this stage can mean all the difference between an enterprise taking off and falling flat. The information, success stories, production records and market demands can help the entrepreneur make a successful assessment of  his conditions, and that will help him set targets that he can achieve, choose  the production technique that suits his scale or the efficient changes that can be  made at his capital. This forms a solid bed to launch a farm business.
ICT in this regard not only enables him/her to choose a better production strategy but also allows to troubleshoot any problems that might occur during the production process and the communication, contacts made with people in similar works within and outside the country through SNS and internet will really be an important factor in the sustainability of the enterprise and hunting of new markets.
Once the desired production is achieved the focus lies on minimizing post-harvest loss and marketing. The amount of research that is currently being done under post-harvest loss fascinating. So with ICT they can regularly update their practice.
In the world of business nothing is as precious as market information. And for far too long the market information has stayed with the businessmen and middlemen and the farmers have remained as price-takers, which probably is the chief reason why the majority of Nepalese farmers are poor. Now all that changes with the entry of ICT as farmers can search or even ask by telephone what the market value is and then decide the wholesale rates. This makes them immune from the middlemen of Nepalese markets who are notorious for ripping off huge chunks of profit out of Nepalese farmers. Of course the middlemen aren’t the evil beings that everyone make them to be, they are equally important forming the vital chain from fields to markets as farmer cannot effectively perform the dual role of production and distribution themselves. ICT empowers farmers thereby balancing the farmer-middlemen relationship. ICT can even enable these middlemen to effectively decide the fate of products they bought, by navigation of markets within and abroad through internet so as to fetch the highest price and advances in storage/transportation practices concern them equally.
Very often the use of ICT in Nepalese rural context had been passed down as joke as they believed that ICT is futile to the illiterate majority of rural Nepal but the recent advances on the mobile devices and the development of apps like Smart Krishi and its usefulness has proved them otherwise. Beside ICT doesn’t only mean high tech devices and navigating through English-internet pages, it could be as simple as a telephone conversation with a fellow farmer, extension worker or a specialist.

With the demand for foods ever rising and the farming getting easier, glamorous and profitable each day, now seems like the perfect time to start an Agro-enterprise with the power of ICT in the pocket.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Inception of Keedafie

It was Day 2 on the workshop “The Use of Social Media in Biodiversity Conservation” organized by CEE, Lucknow. Most of the experts giving presentations were cool and interesting and yet sitting throughout two days in succession had drained me a bit physically and mentally. Towards the end of the day, Shailaja Rabindranathan, Project Co-ordinater CEE, South asked us to come up with an idea, basically a rough idea to work on with. I was sharing the table with my mate Rahul Acharya, with whom I had travelled there with, Brojo Kumar Basumatry, Thing and Shiwani Thakur, all our table could come up with was a plantation program. It wasn’t innovative or different on any way and the fact that plantation program has been going on by hundreds of organization didn’t help and it didn’t seem to fit that well for an online campaign.
The ideas of other tables were also nothing new and promising as Shailaja madam rightly pointed out and God she was frustrated. In fact she had every right to get dissatisfied as for two whole days and even during lunch and dinner she and Pramod Sharma sir were tirelessly putting an effort to make us clear about the underlying concepts, things that mattered, case studies, Q &A, and everything. She asked if she had wasted her time and resources on us. This killed me, I was dying to prove otherwise. She said few other words in a way challenging us to come up with something new tomorrow, the last day of workshop. I was stirred and damn motivated.
That night we went to Ambedkar park which was majestic and it was fun roaming the city with the guys.
I slept very light that night, I had no idea to work on, how was I going to face Shailaja madam?  I asked myself.
It must have been 4 in the morning when I woke up, I couldn’t sleep. I went to the bathroom washed my face and lay back in the bed, closing my eyes and thought about the things that we could do, the presentation of Pramod sir recurred, the journey to lucknow, my study and many countless varied thoughts.
It occurred to me people in general don’t care about environment while they are online, say biodiversity and many start dozing off. If I had to draw their attention and engage them , I had to come with a gamefied approach and the notion of Selfie with Butterfly that Shailaja madam had shared yesterday came to my mind. This was a moment of a small mental triumph as I was finally getting the idea.
Then I left my bed, took a pen and a notebook and started scribbling. Selfie with Butterfly would limit participation so I thought may be Selfie with Insects and right at that moment I felt this is it. I even pumped a fist in the air.
At around 6AM, Rahul woke up and  I shared him the idea I had come up with and he was ecstatic. We brainstormed the idea for a while.
Brojo and Thang joined us for tea and we shared the idea and they were excited. This could work really well  I said as Brojo, himself is a Butterfly enthusiast and had reported over 30 endemic species of Butterflies from Assam.
Later on Shiwani and Ananya joined us and we shared them the idea of Selfie with Insects. They loved it. They came up with the word “Keedafie” , this was good news as keedafie sounded cool and could create a serious buzz.
Then we shared the idea of Keedafie with Shailaja madam and she said, “I like it” with her thumbs up, smiling and delightful face. I was over the moon. We discussed the approach we would be taking, called ourselves BTRAPS after the initials of team members and wrote the project proposal in the format given by CEE.
We set a target of reaching 5000 people and by the end we reached to more than 30000 people. We got 65 entries lovely entries for keedafie challenge and on June 5, 2015 CEE on their website selected top 3 projects launched from the workshop and to our delight Project Keedafie was judged the best project. The Online campaign continues.
I am grateful to Shailaja madam and Pramod sir for teaching and inspiring me. Thank you Aksana for sharing the link to the workshop.

BTRAPS, we rock!


Friday, May 22, 2015

World Biodiversity Day and My Epiphany

Hello everyone, Happy World Biodiversity day!
I celebrated world biodiversity day planting a coconut tree in my home garden, joining the global green wave campaign.
I am looking forward to reading all the activities fellow Tunza members’ took.
Planting the tree, I thought about the Earthquake, about all those lives that were lost, many lives which could have been saved if only we were a developed nation, one with better disaster management strategy and better tools and methods.
It made me angry and I kept thinking what lies ahead of us.
 We as a nation are now covered in dust, now we need to wash our tears and jointly plant the seeds of Sustainable development and water it.
Earthquake has caused my country Nepal unfathomable loss. My brothers and sisters have lost lives, they have lost their homes. The situation in itself is hard to manage, forget about the development one would say.
The times are hard and we all must realize times are going to get harder and most of us have realized that and gallantly done what one could do.
But now critical time has come, a time that will decide what kind of road we will take in the decade to come. If things are run as before then famine, epidemics, crime will breed and swallow us and we will even degrade from our current category of “a third world nation”
 But on other hands this earthquake has rocked us from outside and from within, youths are motivated, people are united and if only the leadership can use this accumulated energy and can effectively draw a plan, a corruption less, uniting plan then we can successfully lift ourselves from hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy and other problems in a quick span.
Of course it is easier said than done but many countries have evolved out from conditions worse than ours so there’s no reason we can’t do it.
We have natural resources, with whom we haven’t been efficient.  We are rich in biodiversity. However the course shouldn’t clearly be to replace green forests by concrete forests. Sustainable development is a must and our target must be of “Smart Economic Growth” which seeks to reduce reliance on energy intensive and high polluting industries and rely more on localized technology, green energy and services.
Many foreign countries and INGOs have shown compassion and aided the victims of the Earthquake,
 for short term aid that works but if we are to really change our nation then our reliance on aids’ has to stop. Nothing is free and we can’t forever remain poor and expect donations. We already are in too much debt.  Instead of taking donations, we should be encouraging foreign investments and encourage Young entrepreneurs in agriculture, business, tourism etc
Immigration, Brain drain has been an issue for years now; the chief cause is lack of opportunity and appropriate opportunity. The real cause of this problem lies in our education system. Our curriculum of school, college and university is in no way preparing students to solve the problems our country currently faces and is expected to face in the decades to come. Without transforming education system we really can’t push for a leap.
It’s already been more than a decade that Nepal has become a Republic still development is slow paced and this quake is sure to add to our troubles. But two real problems that hinder us, probably most of developing nation, are Corruption and Incapable leadership.
 Corruption has infiltrated almost all sectors of Nepal in varied scale and without uprooting corruption all other talk will be meaningless.
If only we could get a law that made all bureaucrats, politicians, civil servants to sign an agreement which said if they were  ever charged and proved of corruption then they will have to face life imprisonment,
 and again for this to implement judiciary has to be strong and effective.
Secondly incapable leaders, most of the front line leaders are old and now just a shadow of their old rowdy past, time has outfoxed them and yet they don’t give in. they have got visionary, energetic youths as their advisors, If only it was other way around.
Well if I am thinking about it then youths like me also must be thinking about the future of our nation. That is a really good sign. Now I have to start changing myself, be responsible, be pragmatic, and contribute as much as I can.