Friday, May 26, 2017


Jhakkad Thapa, one of the contestant of Nepal Idol audition has garnered a cult following. Fans are talking and discussing him in all subsequent Nepal Idol videos. Even a call for wildcard entry, straight into the final has been called by fans, though unlikely.  The intention of this post, however, is not to diagnose his singing prowess nor comment on his personality. This post seeks to take business insights from Jhakkad Thapa and reasons for his cult following.
Here, I present to you five business lesson from Jhakkad Thapa presentation.

Get a Brand Name that Simply Rocks

Any brand name should stick in the minds of audience. This could be achieved by simplicity like Apple did or by its peculiarity. Jhakkad Thapa is a name that sticks and is so unique that it makes people ponder and ask questions.
Brand name allows businesses to put meaning behind that name, starting from a clean slate. 
Engagement begins with the brand name.
“If somebody automatically associates your brand name with positive emotions, you’ve earned yourself a customer for life.” - Rader

No bullshit,
Cut to the chase!

Meandering around with generic content works if you are unprepared but over long time it turns fatal. Time is money and these days even more so.
 Beating around the bush bores audience/clients and in both show biz and business, being boring is the new sin.

Be Confident on your USP (Unique Selling Point)

Your product may be unorthodox, new and naturally you could have some reservations about it but that shouldn’t ooze out of you, you have to have confidence in your USP. If you aren’t sold to USP yourself, don’t expect the audience/market to be sold to the product/idea.  Positing your USP, among competitions in the market is equally important. Businesses without a USP struggle to form an identity, and ultimately fail to market the benefits/value they offer.
Jhakkad Thapa sang songs, many of the audience had never heard and he did so with such confidence, hence the charm.

Engage through Emotions

Your brand should trigger emotions to your customers. Emotional branding means customers stay loyal for the long haul. Emotional branding helps to create deep intrinsic relationships between brands and consumers. Relationships with an emotional dimension are more likely to resist the temptation to defect than comparatively superficial price or convenience-based ones.
 Coca cola over the years have tried to make itself synonymous with happiness.
Vulnerability creates trust.
 Humor sells.
Jhakkad prashad, due to his originality, innocence triggers mixed emotions in judges and the masses.
Charles Revson, founder of Revlon, always used to say he sold hope, not makeup.


Sell your Story

People tend to root for underdogs because there’s a story, a good old story where the underprivileged challenges status quo. People crave for stories and invest themselves in it. Humans are wired to recall stories. Stories make deep connections with people, increasing the brand’s strength. A good persuasive story is inspiring, challenging, educating, emotionally stirring or combination of these.

A good story is the backbone of word-of-mouth marketing.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

   Raison d'ĂȘtre

Like a desert that waits for rain,
Let’s wait for the day when all this vain Sand
And this dry terrain
 Will be flooded,
Carried away by the enormity,
Magnanimous of our shared spell;

Like a primitive virus that kills,
And fills with a mundane, life sucking protein;
Let’s not remain and be,
Like two sheep blinded by the hypertrophy of its fleece
Come let’s flee;

Come let’s create a sterilization chamber,
And spell it with our magic,
And ward off venoms and demons,
Within and outside,
And come what may!
The winter of discontent is gone, June!
Like a flower that thrives in April heat,
Let’s meet,
Our moment shall be eternity,
An isolated eternity!

Not inoculated by plague of romanticism,
Nor glorified by configured robots,
And we shall remain bitter,
Feed bitterness off of each other;
Refrain from the diabetes of Love, my honey,
And let’s remain potatoes,

And ugly,
And mad,
Come what may!
The winter of discontent is gone!

A momentary eternity!

An isolated eternity!

Thursday, March 9, 2017


It’s just a beam of love
It’s just a dream for doves **2

In the air of absurdness,
Life’s nothing but
An accident.

It’s just a beam of love
It’s just a dream for doves

Some battles you unfairly lose
Which battles to fight you choose

In the air of absurdness,
Life’s nothing but
An accident

Fill your music in my silence,
Turn my grimness into my joyance

In the air of absurdness,
Hope is a relaxant

We draw a number from the hand of life
Could be roses
Could be chives

It’s just a beam of love
It’s just a dream for doves

In the air of absurdness,
Life’s nothing but
An accident

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Youth Entrepreneurship: A Creative Industry

              Youth Entrepreneurship: A Creative Industry


We are living through an unprecedented worldwide entrepreneurship revolution with youth at the helm of this renaissance. I would argue that the quote “Future belongs to youth” in itself is outdated when in fact the present belongs to the youth. With both present and future belonging to youth, the problems of the world, which dare say I are complex fall on the able shoulders of youths like me. In a way the responsibility to actualize SDGs is upon us.
Talking about youths, the zeal, passion and drive to contribute, to solve the defining problems of our generation, to make a difference is the beat of striving young entrepreneurs. The disruptive innovation in technologies, many of which took shape through young minds, have become the forte of youths and tech startups turning into billion dollars enterprises exemplifies the very fact.

Growing up in Nepal, Asia, one cannot help but notice, while the rest of world population is aging, we are getting younger, this puts youths like me in a position to grab on to the challenge and opportunity it offers. The fact that startup movement have expanded beyond Silicon Valley into Shanghai, Bangalore, Manila, and Singapore is a telling sign where the larger part of innovation is going to come from.
Gone are the days when one needed heavy infrastructure and capital to launch business. Disruptive innovations in production, distribution, marketing, communication, the access to big data have empowered and inspired a generation of youths to pursue entrepreneurship.
 The fact that the world’s largest retailer amazon owns no goods, Airbnb owns no real state shows us where the industry is heading. Entrepreneurship indeed have become the vessel of expression for youths through which they showcase their creativity, offering pragmatic, profitable, sustainable solutions to real world problems.
However the task of establishing successful startup is daunting as shown by vast majority of startups that fail but the real game changing enterprises that literally stared from garages prove it’s possible.