Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Information about Quota in AFU

DEV. REG.:20

Join Tunza eco Generation

Tunza - to treat with care
Eco - Environment, Earth, Ecology, Ecosystem
Generation- it is me. It is you .it is us. I care! Do you?
Join Hands.
Get knowledge.
 And Have Fun!

Where you ask?
Here I say again, Tunza-eco generation!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

People will tell you to lose your ego.
I know you listen to them,
You pretend you don’t care what they think, but you care.
You fear them
I won’t tell you to lose your ego.
I won’t because I know it’s not your ego,
It’s your defense mechanism.
This is how you have been shielding yourself.
Now it’s time for the prophecy to come true,
Your fairy tale to come true.
Stop painting the virtual walls
And see through the peep hole.
Your knight in a silver armor is here
Let go.


Monday, July 28, 2014

I ride a bicycle.

I ride a bicycle. I am not a 10 year old kid but I ride a bicycle.
I can afford a car but I ride a bicycle.
I don’t run campaigns on sustainable energy but I ride a bicycle.
There’s nothing eye pleasingly beautiful in me. I am old, my hair is all white, and it’s fallen of slightly. I, by no means of social definition fall on the category of handsome. Actually I find my students amused by my looks. It must seem so old fashioned and lethargic to all those aspiring souls floating on the clouds of hope, dreams and delusions. I think they wish that their professor came in a Mercedes, so that they can brag about it to their friends from other universities. Sadly I drive a bicycle.
I teach soil science. Wait! I share soil science would be more correct for I by no mean have knowledge or the strength to teach the essence of civilization, essence of life and essence of being. I only can share what I have observed and studied, for past 50 years.
I have a PhD and I drive a bicycle.                   
This student, a delightful little fellow, comes to me and says, “Sir, all the professors are riding cars, bikes even the maintenance guy rides a splendor, your own student brings unicorn. Why not you?”
I laughed, showing my aged teeth and as my students would say my “lyaang teeth”.
I said answer me this, “what happens when a tiger dies?”
He pondered examining if it was a trick question.
C’mon you can answer freely, I said.
He says, “It dies. It decays, action of decomposers which you gave taught me. It is turned into organic matter and it mixes in the soil.”
Aha. Do you know where Einstein is? Marx is? Newton is? Dokuchaev is? Socrates is? Laxmi Prasad devkota is?
Heaven? He says.
Well son, I don’t know about heaven or hell, to me they are beyond their physical limits and are fertilizing plants.
So you get it?
He nodded.
I pushed the supporting rod and rode my bicycle.
I wander and I ride a bicycle.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


It was an immense pleasure that I got the chance to read this book entitled “BALI BIGYAN KO SIDHANTA”.
This experience was extra special for me because Of few factors; Firstly, This book was penned by Professor BIRENDRA KUMAR BHATTACHAN who has served as a source of inspiration & motivation in my short span with him as a pupil. He has time & again taught me to look agronomy as an interesting subject whose prospect & development is associated not only with development of human civilization but the existence of human civilization as well. Secondly, the fact that this book is written in Nepali language gave me extra enthusiasm and energy to read for I felt a sense of pride in reading a university level text in my native language in such a compelling way. As a university student of Agriculture and forestry university I had to search through many texts written in English, rigorous English I might add which reduced my passion for agriculture just a bit for I believe one should put his/her own stamp in anything one does: be it be the use of home grown technology or reading a text written in my native language. I had a strong desire to write this critique paper in Nepali but rules are rules and I only cannot be made as an exception on the context of total students.
After completing this text twice over a span of a month I feel attainment of certain mastery of agronomy which again could be my short sightedness or even my incomplete knowledge speaking. Whatever it may be one thing for sure is I am far better well equipped with the terms, practices, procedures of agronomy than I was before starting this magnificent book.

It wouldn’t be wrong if I said the whole study learning process is based on the import of books from India especially in university level education. It may have its positives like making us on level with world education and some others but what we really miss is our own voices in those books. In doing so we might just lose our uniqueness and own voices. Besides many of us can’t relate to the text as the written & applied context vary significantly. On that regard this book is an educational masterstroke. On one hand it enables us to relate to the text and statistics of the book, helps us find our voices and more importantly give us extra enthusiasm to labor. This text has enriched my vocabulary of Nepali-Agronomy-terms. Time and again I knew the words in English, their meanings in English but I couldn’t tell what they meant in my mother tongue. I enabled me to have an agricultural-conversation with a farmer on 11th National Rice day. This knowledge of Nepali terms, which I intend to learn more, through revising these book as well as reading Agriculture magazines, papers, booklets etc scripted in Nepali. I have a strong feeling it will help me in extension programs and even to the days when I will graduate and work with farmers joining toe to toe.
The contents on the book are truly rewarding and conceptual. It greatly inspired me. May be that is why I have a strong craving for updated, revised edition of this book which shall not only improve the present contents but also touch further depths and further topics on agronomy and its principles; so that student like me, farmers, researchers, agriculture enthusiast can learn and study a lot without having to roam around library.

At last I would like to thank Dr. Birendra Kumar Bhattachan for writing this book and giving this assignment as a platform to express my views.